9.00h Inauguration:
- Antonio Rafael Peña Sánchez, Delegado del Rector Campus Jerez
- José Antonio López Sánchez, Director del Instituto Universitario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Social Sostenible (INDESS)
- José Manuel Sánchez, Director General de Emprendimiento, Empresa y Egresados
- Germán Jiménez Ferrer, Director de la Oficina de Cooperación Internacional
Thematic Area: Microcredits as an instrument of local development
Moderator: Dr. José Manuel Sánchez Vázquez, General Director of Entrepreunership, Business and Graduates of our Univertisy,
- 9.30-10.30h Conference: Microentrepreneurs and microfinance: the experience of Hungary.
Peter Vonnák. Vice President of the Hungarian Microfinance Network, and Tibor Szekfü
- 11.00-12.30h Discussion panel: Microfinance in the national and international sector
Present and future of microcredits in the European context.
Jorge Ramírez Puerto, Executive Director of the European Microfinance Network (EMN).
Microcredits in the International Context.
José María Ruiz Tudela, President of the NGO Médicos con Iberioamérica (IBERMED)
Social microfinance in Spain.
Toni Sierra, Director of Solidary Work
- 12.30h-13.30h Workshop: experiences from the NGOs
Thematic Area: Microcredits and the SDGs (Sustenaible Developtment Goals)
Moderator: Esther Puertas, INDESS Researcher
- 15.30-16.30h Conference: The empowerment of women through microcredits in impoverished contexts (SDG 5 and SDG 8). Jaime Durán Navarro. Vice President of the European Microfinance Association.
- 16.30h-17.00h Workshop: experiences from the academic field
- 17.30-18.30h Discussion panel: Human rights and development cooperation
Development Programs in Higher Education: towards transdisciplinarity and mainstreaming of subjects
Esther Puertas Cristóbal (UCA). Master Coordinator in Microcredits, Human Rights and Development Cooperation.
Human Rights as a priority axis for specialization through Postgraduate Programs
Rosario Carmona Luque (UPO). Human Rights Expert Coordinator.
Strengths of the Master Microcredits, Human Rights and Development Cooperation
Mercedes Díaz Rodríguez (UCA). Director Master Microcredits, Human Rights and Development Cooperation. |